WOD - Wed, Oct 9IntentToday we get after both. While many days may involve some type of loading and some type of conditioning, today we balance the attack. As you…
WOD - Tue, Oct 8IntentToday we get “pressy”. Today’s combo is a couplet that puts much emphasis on shoulder capacity, high end gymnastics strength and coordination. As per usual the…
WOD - Mon, Oct 7IntentToday we kick off the week with a high skill triplet! The strength block prior to conditioning is simply a means to practice the squat snatch…
WOD - Sun, Oct 6Press Complex (Weight)E3MOM for 4 sets.Execute 3 strict press, 3 push press, 3 push jerk. The strict press will be the limiter in regards to how…
WOD - Fri, Oct 4IntentToday we have strength work that is present to help us feel primed and ready to handle the conditioning and make it feel “light”. The conditioning…
WOD - Thu, Oct 3IntentHEAVY DAY Welcome to the deadlift buffet. The goal today is to gain and challenge edge strength in varied ranges and positions! We should aim to…
WOD - Wed, Oct 2IntentToday our goal is to lift heavy! Start around 70% of your 1 rm hang clean and try to build throughout to the heaviest triple possible.…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.