WOD - Mon, Aug 12IntentToday we emphasize improvement and capacity of the snatch. For strength, it is a visit to heavier loads for a movement we hit last week. The…
WOD - Sun, Aug 11SPECIFIC WARMUP Coaches ChoiceMetcon (Time)4 Rounds For Time10 Back Squat (165/115)200m Front Rack KB Carry (1KB) (green/blue)(down w L/back w R)Cash-out - Strip your weight off…
WOD - Fri, Aug 9IntentToday’s strength work is centered around a clean execution of the complex each working set. It is imperative to build a connection with whatever apparatus we…
WOD - Thu, Aug 8IntentStrength today is to be built each round. As listed below and as many other days in this specific block of training, we are focused on…
WOD - Wed, Aug 7IntentHang snatch position work that is present to strengthen the upper back, and hinge position. This drill will help you feel stronger with your snatch loads…
WOD - Tue, Aug 6IntentFront squat position work and strength + short burner. Today for the strength work, we want to specifically focus on keeping a tall chest and heels…
WOD - Mon, Aug 5IntentNo more sole focus on Hero WODs! Whaaaaat? That’s right you made it! Now our focus will be refinement and progressive improvement of our old lifts.…
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