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WOD – Tue, Dec 10


Today we have a high volume, high capacity repeat interval workout. The goal here is to see how fast you can not just go for 1 round but what kind of pace you can establish, that with the time provided to recover, can actually be sustained. The row distance should be scaled to something that allows for exiting the rower in under 1:20. Double unders should never take more than 2:00 with wall walks never taking more than 1:00 to finish. Prior to the conditioning, the goal is to build capacity for handstand walking and perhaps get or refine a new skill!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 couch stretch (each)

1:00 Standing forward fold

:30 pec stretch on rig each side


3:00 jump rope (vary how you like/ practice)


:30 Row

:10 Dead hang

20 Plank shoulder tap (10 each)

10 Hollow rock

1 Wall walk

2 rounds

Skill (Checkmark)

10:00 Handstand walk development

  • Handstand hold on wall
  • Lunge to handstand
  • Wall facing shoulder tap
  • Back to wall shoulder tap
  • Box pike Handstand shoulder tap
  • Box pike around the world
  • Handstand walk attempts (spotted) (PVC assisted Handstand walk)
Workout (Time)


300m/250m Row

100 Double Under

6 Wall Walk

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for total time.


300m/250m Row

150 Single Under (or reduced DU reps)

5 Wall Walk

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for total time


200m/150m Row

50 Single Under (plate hop)

3 Partial Wall Walk

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for total time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 Single leg calf raise (load optional)

3x 15 Lateral KB or DB Lateral Side bend