WOD - Mon, Jan 27Intent This is a throwback to the 2016 CrossFit Open! It is a workout that lends a huge challenge to everyone at some point or another.…
WOD - Sun, Jan 26SPECIFIC WARMUP Coaches ChoiceBack Squat (Weight)BW Temp 4x1x1 Back squat Into 4 traveling explosives jumps over bench or boxMetcon E2MOM x7 (Weight)Every 2:00 x 7 sets5…
WOD - Sat, Jan 25IntentTeams of 2, this workout can be attacked in ANY ORDER and in any rep scheme you prefer. Perhaps the creativity you and your teammate can…
WOD - Fri, Jan 24Intent Refine your bar muscle up skills just before we attack the chipper today. This workout has quite the Open feel, with the movements getting progressively…
WOD - Thu, Jan 23IntentToday we let the legs recover after the last few days of work. The goal is to push your bench press strength up while also spending…
WOD - Wed, Jan 22Intent “Hinge heavy day”. No conditioning insight formally, but the heart rate will go up and likely stay up for a while as we start the…
WOD - Tue, Jan 21Intent2 on and 2 off for today’s mixed modal conditioning will act as a unique challenge. The goal is to really push the speed and accuracy…
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