WOD - Mon, Jun 3IntentThis is a benchmark testing workout for ring muscle up capacity. This is often one of those workouts people struggle to see the value in, but…
WOD - Sat, Jun 1IntentHigh volume partner workout. Today the loads need to be perceived as light from the start. The goal is to have teams with goal to spend…
WOD - Fri, May 31IntentEstablish a heavy triple in the bench press today! Then we get into some rep accumulation on today’s conditioning. Bench press load should provide the ability…
WOD - Thu, May 30IntentToday we get into a heavy thruster to start! How’s the strength endurance work been paying off? Let’s find out! Then our conditioning is a very…
WOD - Wed, May 29IntentAnother strong variation from what we’ve already experienced this week in training. Today we go hard for 2:00 then recover! The scaling selections should allow you…
WOD - Tue, May 28IntentToday we will go the absolute opposite of Murph and get after a good old fashioned heavy day! The goal is to hit a movement pattern…
WOD - Mon, May 27IntentCelebrate a hero! Warm Up (Checkmark)400m run —————5 kip swings 2-3 pull ups (version of workout) 5 push up5 air squat 2-3 rounds so the group…
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