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WOD – Wed, May 29


Another strong variation from what we’ve already experienced this week in training. Today we go hard for 2:00 then recover! The scaling selections should allow you approximately :40+ each round for the row. This means if you have to break up 12 toes to bar, consider scaling back the reps or the difficulty of the movement. For the db snatch, no question about going unbroken on each arm, we want all 9 and want them fast–go get that rower!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 jumping jack

20 mountain climber

10 no push up burpee

2 rounds


5 row strokes legs only

5 row strokes hips and arms only

10 full row strokes building speed

2 rounds


5 db deadlift each arm

5 db hang snatch each arm

2 rounds


5 kip swing

2 kip swing 2 toes to bar 2 kip swings

3-5 toes to bar


1 round of

6 toes to bar

4 hang snatch each arm

6 cal row

Rest for a few….GO!

Work Out (Calories)


2:00 on / 2:00 off

12 toes to bar

9 hang power snatch right (50/35lb.)

9 hang power snatch left

Max cal row


2:00 on / 2:00 off

12 Kipping leg raise

9 hang power snatch right (35/20lb.)

9 hang power snatch left

Max cal row


2:00 on / 2:00 off

10 V Up

9 hang power snatch right (15/10)

9 hang power snatch left (15/10)

Max cal row

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Single arm upright row



2:00 on each side of best attempts at the SPLITS! (Hold on to rig, band, support yourself by doing it between 2 boxes or benches. Get flexy.)