WOD - Tue, Jun 25IntentBuild to a new 1RM strict press today! Remember, bar path is a key for success here today. The further you allow the bar to travel…
WOD - Sun, Jun 23Warm UpCoaches ChoicePays to Be a Winner (Checkmark)Every 3 minutes for 3 sets10 V-ups 10 DB Front squat 50/35 35/20 20/108 Cal Ski Erg Rest 3…
WOD - Fri, Jun 21IntentToday we get out of the big 3 for strength and focus on olympic strength and skills! The snatch is a big limitation for many and…
WOD - Thu, Jun 20IntentWho doesn’t love a good bench press day?! Ok, maybe not everyone does, but most enjoy it. This lift is one that can help enhance your…
WOD - Wed, Jun 19IntentAfter yesterday’s deadlifts, your central nervous system may be a little fatigued! This means that you may feel “good” and not be too sore but you…
WOD - Tue, Jun 18IntentBuild to a heavy deadlift single through the working sets of deadlift. If it feels right, hit a new PR! Today’s conditioning is a tricky one,…
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