WOD - Sat, Sep 7IntentPartner workout! Today the work is designed to be split however the teams decide for the 16:00 AMRAP. Each movement must be completed in full prior…
WOD - Fri, Sep 6IntentNo barbell in sight today! The goal is to challenge our grip strength and stamina with the “Last athlete hanging” + capacity work. Dead hang, specifically…
WOD - Thu, Sep 5IntentToday is a big loading day and specifically for all things hinging. We will focus on building our barbell cycling abilities while holding onto a heavy…
WOD - Wed, Sep 4IntentLow volume, high intensity strength work is how we kick off today! Be primed and ready for the 2 working sets of back squats and the…
WOD - Tue, Sep 3IntentToday we hinge heavy! The goal is to set aside our conditioning ambitions and chase heavy loads head long without the distraction of saving energy for…
WOD - Mon, Sep 2IntentNew week, no barbell. No, not the whole week silly. Just today. Bodies and minds are fresh and ready to attack, so we will do just…
WOD - Sun, Sep 1Power Clean and Jerk (Weight)15:00 to establish a heavy single.oday's caveat on the strength is no reset in between the clean and the jerk. We want…
WOD - Sat, Aug 31IntentToday we play at the “school yard”. Athletes will be in 2 person teams with 1 athlete working at a time through a movement. Each movement…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.