WOD - Tue, May 28IntentToday we will go the absolute opposite of Murph and get after a good old fashioned heavy day! The goal is to hit a movement pattern…
WOD - Mon, May 27IntentCelebrate a hero! Warm Up (Checkmark)400m run —————5 kip swings 2-3 pull ups (version of workout) 5 push up5 air squat 2-3 rounds so the group…
WOD - Sat, May 25IntentA fun team style workout where everyone works at the same time. This will end up being a long 25:00 so hopefully you ate your best…
WOD - Fri, May 24IntentBack to back running days? You know it. How else are you going to be prepped for Murph? Getting more touches in under our legs to…
WOD - Wed, May 22IntentLet’s refine and push forward our inverted skills. Remember this time is no less valuable to take your attention and intensity than strength work with barbells…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.