WOD - Sun, Aug 4Warm UpCoaches ChoicePush (Weight)Every 3:30 execute 1 set of BB Back squats4x5 at 70-75% 1rm5x5 DB strict press at 70-75 1 RMMetcon (Time)RX3-6-9-12-15 DB hang clean…
WOD - Sat, Aug 3IntentToday’s workout is for partner style conditioning. Each round should be completed as written but can be split up between the partners as they see fit.…
WOD - Fri, Aug 2IntentSplit jerks today are all about technique in the receiving position. The more we create consistency and stability in that lunge position, we will have more…
WOD - Thu, Aug 1IntentBack squats don’t have to break the bank today, we are getting in quality reps of full ROM and upright torso squats. Then we are all…
WOD - Wed, Jul 31IntentIn honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq on 11 December 2007.The “Badger” Hero WOD…
WOD - Tue, Jul 30IntentFront squat position work and strength + short burner. Today for the strength work, we want to specifically focus on keeping a tall chest and heels…
WOD - Mon, Jul 29IntentNo more sole focus on Hero WODs! Whaaaaat? That’s right you made it! Now our focus will be refinement and progressive improvement of our old lifts.…
WOD - Sun, Jul 28Strength (Weight)10:00 to build up to a heavy odd object to shoulder. The goal is to prime for the workout. Conditioning (Time)21-15-9Cal SkiDball/Sandbag to ShoulderEcho BikeAthletes…
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