WOD - Wed, Oct 2IntentToday our goal is to lift heavy! Start around 70% of your 1 rm hang clean and try to build throughout to the heaviest triple possible.…
WOD - Tue, Oct 1IntentToday is all about the midline! Although the skill work may seem as though it is quite upper body dependent, which it is, it is most…
WOD - Sun, Sep 29Metcon2 sets 50 wall balls 20/14 14/10 10/8 10 ft/9 ft Rest 3:00 min between sets then directly into:10-8-6-4-2 For Time:Hang Power Snatch 95/65Bar Facing Burpee…
WOD - Sat, Sep 28IntentA strength and cardio mix, where partners alternate working while the other rests. This is not split up round by round, the work can be broken…
WOD - Fri, Sep 27IntentToday we hit some intervals like Monday but on the bike instead. Push the intervals today but do your best to “negative split” the 5 rounds.…
WOD - Thu, Sep 26IntentToday we get after some skills early to help develop new abilities, then we do some benching! The skill work will be revisited in the conditioning…
WOD - Wed, Sep 25IntentToday is a long grinder focused on those run muscles. With the change of season quickly approaching, running outside will be limited, so we shall attack…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.