WOD - Sat, May 18IntentToday we are getting after a traditional chipper style partner workout. The work can be split up however the partnership decides on each movement and round.…
WOD - Fri, May 17IntentMurph prep? We are always prepping for Murph! We are always building our fitness and therefore improving our ability to perform ANY TASK, all the time.…
WOD - Thu, May 16IntentToday we go heavy and then we get powerful. The strength work isn’t as high volume as the other lifts we’ve been training as of late.…
WOD - Wed, May 15IntentThe goal today is to spend time refining and improving our hanging skills and strength. Then we get to put those to the test! We will…
WOD - Tue, May 14IntentToday we go heavy, all the way down to a potential 1rm bench press and then we build strength endurance on latter 3 rounds! We then…
WOD - Sun, May 12Intent Workout- Murph Prep…Cuz mama saysWarm UpCoaches ChoiceMetcon (Time)4 rounds for time40 air squats30 hand release pushups20 burpees400 m runCool Down
WOD - Sat, May 11IntentToday we are feeling the burn! At both stations we are going to accumulate lower body fatigue, the only real break for the lower body today…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.