WOD - Sun, Jan 19Warm Up: Coaches Choice Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)EMOM for 18 Minutes:Odd Minutes: Max Cal Erg of choice Even Minutes: AMRAP of: 8 Dumbbell Deadlifts…
WOD - Sat, Jan 18IntentToday’s partner workout involves a run while the other partner holds, a synchro movement together, and a movement that can be broken up however you want–we…
WOD - Fri, Jan 17IntentToday we pull off the floor a bit more slowly than yesterday. The movements from yesterday’s power cleans will mimic what we do today for strength,…
WOD - Thu, Jan 16IntentToday is a shoulder free day. This means no hanging or pressing with intention to give the upper body some reprieve from the work it’s seen…
WOD - Wed, Jan 15IntentToday we strengthen our upper body pulling! Scale the weighted pull up to normal pull ups or scale back the reps to meet yourself where you…
WOD - Tue, Jan 14IntentToday we focus on upper body pressing as our strength movement. Similar to most days, you want to focus on starting heavy and staying heavy, leaving…
WOD - Mon, Jan 13IntentToday we start with some front squats for strength, pushing all sets to be working sets. Consider leaving 2 reps in reserve on the first 3…
WOD - Sun, Jan 12Warm Up: Coaches Choice Death By Bulgarian DB Split Squat Drop sets (Weight)2x8 Bulgarian Split squat 1st DB 8 reps + 8 second pause into 2nd…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.