ThursdayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 1 set: :30 run, bike, row, or ski 10 staggered stance good mornings/leg 5 inchworms with a push-up 1 set:…
WednesdayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 1 set: 10 arm swings across 10 arm swings overhead 10 leg swings/leg 10 air squats 10 knee push-ups 1…
TuesdayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 1 set: 20 alternating box step-ups (10/leg) 16 single arm DB row (8/side) 8 knee push-ups 1 set: 20 box…
SundayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 1 set: 200-m run 2 sets: 10 single-arm ring rows 10 single-side archer knee push-ups 50-ft single-arm DB overhead carry…
SaturdayWarm-upWarm-upCoaches ChoiceMetconBert (Time)RX For Time 50 Burpees 400 meter Run 100 Push-Ups 400 meter Run 150 Walking Lunges 400 meter Run 200 Air Squats 400 meter Run 150 Walking Lunges…
FridayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 2-3 sets: :30 run, bike, row, or ski 10 leg swings/side 10 PVC pass-throughs (press up hard on the PVC)…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.