WOD - Sun, Oct 8Warm up 1 set::30 jumping jacks10 med-ball good mornings10 med-ball front squats10 med-ball shoulder presses1 set::30 up-downs10 med-ball bent over rows10 med ball push presses to…
WOD - Sat, Oct 7IntentTeam work fun + Skill work! Today’s session is based on sprint style intervals and a combo of skills and weights. The first couple rounds will…
WOD - Fri, Oct 6IntentMonostructural buy in, plus a devastating combo of bench press and body weight air squats. We often see bench press as a pure strength training movement…
WOD - Thu, Oct 5IntentBig day! How well have you prioritized your sleep? Your nutrition? Your cool downs? How about your nightly “pre bed” stretching routine? Wait you don’t think…
WOD - Wed, Oct 4IntentEveryone’s favorite, a combo of strength and conditioning both. Today we focus on upper body pulling to develop more raw strength for future gymnastics and a…
WOD - Tue, Oct 3IntentFor the sake of variance, today we don’t touch a weight. How is your conditioning? We will find out today not just relative to your ability…
WOD - Mon, Oct 2IntentToday the goal is simple, let’s build some strength! The goal is to really spend our first fruits of the week in working on maximizing the…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.