WOD - Sun, Oct 8Warm up 1 set::30 jumping jacks10 med-ball good mornings10 med-ball front squats10 med-ball shoulder presses1 set::30 up-downs10 med-ball bent over rows10 med ball push presses to…
WOD - Sat, Oct 7IntentTeam work fun + Skill work! Today’s session is based on sprint style intervals and a combo of skills and weights. The first couple rounds will…
WOD - Fri, Oct 6IntentMonostructural buy in, plus a devastating combo of bench press and body weight air squats. We often see bench press as a pure strength training movement…
WOD - Thu, Oct 5IntentBig day! How well have you prioritized your sleep? Your nutrition? Your cool downs? How about your nightly “pre bed” stretching routine? Wait you don’t think…
WOD - Wed, Oct 4IntentEveryone’s favorite, a combo of strength and conditioning both. Today we focus on upper body pulling to develop more raw strength for future gymnastics and a…
WOD - Tue, Oct 3IntentFor the sake of variance, today we don’t touch a weight. How is your conditioning? We will find out today not just relative to your ability…
WOD - Mon, Oct 2IntentToday the goal is simple, let’s build some strength! The goal is to really spend our first fruits of the week in working on maximizing the…
WOD - Sun, Oct 1Metcon (Time)4 Rounds for time 30/24 cal row30/24 cal bike400m run 2:00 rest after each round Metcon (Checkmark)Post Workout3 sets max effort pinch plate hold 35lb…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.