MondayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 3 sets: 1:00 calorie row :45 banded pull aparts :30 knee push-ups Ring Dip Review/Progressions Jumping Ring Dip Ring Support…
SundayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 2 sets: :20 of work/:10 of rest PVC good mornings PVC pass-throughs Hollow rocks Dive-bomber push-ups Scap pull-ups Up-downs to…
FridayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 1 set: 1:00 of plyometric drills 1:00 of inchworms + 3 hand-release push-ups 1:00 of plyometric drills 1:00 of ring…
ThursdayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation 1 set: :20 bike (easy pace) 5 single-arm ring rows/arm 20 bicycle crunches 1 set: :20 bike (add 5-10 RPMs)…
WednesdayWarm-upWarm-up2 minutes Rowing Running Biking Over All Dynamic Body Activation "Tabata " Core Alternate 4 Sets of :30-:15 :30 BP Russian twist :15 Rest :30 Bird dog /alternating PVC front…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.