WOD - Thu, Nov 10Warm-up2-3 minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body Activation1 sets:150/200-m row100- ft DB farmers carry50-ft BW walking lunges150/200-m row100-ft DB front rack carry50-ft BW walking lunges150/200-m…
WOD - Tue, Nov 8Warm-up2-3 minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body Activation1 set:100-m jog10 BB press10 alternating Spiderman stretches30-m walk on toes (activate the calves)10 inch-worms30-m walk on heels…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.