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WOD – Thu, Jan 9


Today’s session is a big upper body challenge! We start with 5 working sets of bench press and bent over row, the more of a challenge that each of these sets present the better the results will be. Then we advance to a challenge for your chest, triceps and midline! Focusing on the quality of the push up is big here, it is better to reduce the number you do each set than to find yourself worming up and down from the ground not building the same strength in the arms or the abs. Keep the quality of a good plank and remember this time block is accumulated not just having to be unbroken.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

100 jumping jacks


10 Banded pass through

10 Banded pull aparts

10 Scap push up

10 Scap pull up

2 rounds


3-5 push up

10 Double dumbbell upright row

:10 Hollow hold

3 rounds

Strength (5 Rounds for reps)

Bench press + Dumbbell Bent Row

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

Execute 5 Bench press + 10 Dumbbell Bent Row

*rest can be managed however you prefer during each 3:00 interval, but the goal is to make all the sets “working sets”. Athletes can also start at rows then transition to bench in order to make it work with resources.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


9:00 AMRAP

30 Push Up

1:00 Plank

30 GHD Sit Up

*Plank is top of push up position!


9:00 AMRAP

30 Kneeling Push Up

:30 Plank

30 Sit Up

*Plank is top of push up position!


9:00 AMRAP

30 Kneeling Push Up

:30 Plank

30 Sit Up

*Plank is top of push up position!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 single arm overhead DB tricep extension


3×20 (10 each side) landmine standing rotation

Optional Flow (Checkmark)

*This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members who are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.

3:00 Easy Bike

10 Fire hydrant; each leg (

10 Quadruped kick back ;each leg (Quadruped Kickbacks)

5 Quadruped Hip CARS (Quadruped Hip CARs)

3:00 Easy Ski or Row

:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (wall) Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotation (Open / Wall))

:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (opposite side)

1:00 bottom squat hold

3:00 easy Row or Ski

50ft Bear crawl forward

50ft. Bear crawl backward

50ft. Lateral lunge

2 rounds