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WOD – Sat, Jan 11


Today we’ve got a 3 station partner or individual based workout. The goal is to accomplish as many rounds as possible. If you choose the team route then 1 person completes a full round while the other person rests. The load for the deadlift today can feel heavy, as it should, yet should be able to be done unbroken for 6 reps. Due to the brevity of the AMRAPs, it is important for teams to scale so they can execute the work with urgency when it is their time to go!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00- 5 Medball Squats + Row moderate pace

1:00- 2 inch worm + 4 push up + 8 Spider man stretch

3 rounds


10 empty barbell deadlifts lead/ coached by coach


3×3 Building deadlift barbell to weight appropriate for 6 unbroken in the workout.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


6:00 AMRAP

3 Wall Walk

6 Deadlift (275/185lb.)

2:00 REST

6:00 AMRAP

6 Bar facing Burpee

12 Medball Squat Clean (20/14lb.)

2:00 Rest

6:00 AMRAP

16 Medball Ground to overhead (20/14lb.)

16 Seated Medball russian twist


6:00 AMRAP

2 Wall Walk

6 Deadlift (135/95lb.)

2:00 REST

6:00 AMRAP

6 Bar facing Burpee

12 Medball Squat Clean (14/10lb.)

2:00 Rest

6:00 AMRAP

16 Medball Ground to overhead (14/10lb.)

16 Seated Medball russian twist


6:00 AMRAP

3 Partial Wall Walk

6 Deadlift (35/15lb.)

2:00 REST

6:00 AMRAP

6 Bar facing Burpee

12 Medball Squat Clean (10/6lb.)

2:00 Rest

6:00 AMRAP

16 Medball Ground to overhead (10/6lb.)

16 Seated Medball russian twist

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

1:00 max reps medball sit up press (choose your weight)

1:00 rest

3 rounds