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WOD – Tue, Apr 9


Today we go heavy on the bench and pull ups out the gate. The goal is to make all of these sets working sets, so don’t focus on thinking ahead for the conditioning, let that challenge come when it may. The conditioning has rest for good reason. RUN FAST, take chances, and try to keep all sets as big as you can, as long as you can. Chin ups DO NOT have to be strict, you can utilize some swing and kip for them, it is just a learned/different skill for grip and flexibility sake.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


8 PVC or Banded pass through

8 Spiderman

8 Scorpion

8 Curtsy lunge

8 Ring Row

4 rounds

Strength (4 Rounds for reps)

Bench Press

4×3 As heavy as possible


Weighted Pull Up

4×3 As heavy as possible.

Every 4:00 execute 1 set of each.

Metcon (Time)


5 shuttle run (25ft. Out and back)

15 Chin Up

50ft. Front Rack Walking lunge (25ft x 2 lengths)

2:00 Rest

6 rounds for time.

*Body weight on lunge or even a medball/ single DB in goblet position.

**Consider reduction in volume for this athlete as well. Perhaps 4 total rounds, or even lesser distance on the lunge or reps for chin up.


5 shuttle run (25ft. Out and back)

10 Chin Up (Leg supported/ Banded/ Jumping)

50ft. Front Rack Walking lunge (25ft x 2 lengths)

2:00 Rest



5 shuttle run (25ft. Out and back)

15 Chin Up (banded)

50ft. Front Rack Walking lunge (25ft x 2 lengths)

2:00 Rest

6 rounds for time.


*Consider reduction in volume for this athlete as well. Perhaps 5 total rounds, or even lesser distance on the lunge or reps for chin up.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Lateral Bridge raise

3×15 each side