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WOD – Mon, Apr 8


Today is very barbell-centric. We get after it out the gate with some touch and go work on the barbell. AKA weighted jumping jacks–hey, it could work as a title! The EMOM should start light and build to a load that primes for the workout or surpasses our previous best. The conditioning today is a beast. The weight shouldn’t necessarily feel light enough to do touch and go reps, singles will do, and it should challenge you. But you must be sure to select a load that allows for 3 CJ to happen in under :35 every set, this gives :10 per rep approximately and you must be able to get 5 unbroken front squats at once each round, even if there are pauses in there. Sub 15:00 is a must for everyone to finish, scale accordingly.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10/7 Cal Row

3 Sumo stance inch worm

12 Bridge walk up (from elbows to hands and back down 1 arm at a time, Up, up, down, down)

6 No push up burpee

9 Air Squat

12 Kipping swing

3 rounds for quality not time.


Barbell work

3 Deadlift

3 Muscle Clean

3 Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Strict Press

3 Push Jerk

2 rounds (empty barbell)

Clean and Jerk (Power Clean and Jerk
EMOTM x 8 minutes
3 Touch and go power clean and jerks
*Building in load, starting around 55% 1rm
Macho Fitness (Time)


3 Power Clean and Jerk

5 Front Squat

7 Bar facing Burpee

9 Toes to bar

5 rounds for time.



3 Power Clean and Jerk

5 Front Squat

7 Bar facing Burpee

9 Toes to bar/ Hanging leg raise

5 rounds for time.



3 Power Clean and Jerk

5 Front Squat

7 Bar facing Burpee

9 Lying leg raise (holding rig or KB)

5 rounds for time.


Cool Down (Checkmark)

GHD hip extension



Quadruped Cat/Cow
