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WOD – Sat, Sep 16


Intent: Have fun, and compete! This is a great partner workout to work WITH someone and still have the element to go AGAINST someone. Both athletes will work the entire workout today, no space for rest!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m Run


:30 Bike Partner 1 or Partner 2 (other goals through movement below)

:30 No push up burpee

3 rounds


5 Light KB Swing

5 Kip swings from pull up bar

5 Box jump/ step down

3 rounds

*Build loading of KB and build intensity of swings and tempo of jumps each round to prepare for the workout.


Dial in scaling for yourself, what weight is right for you on KB, how many pull ups or what style?

Have fun!

“1 V. 1” (Calories)

RX Conditioning

Partner 1:

10 rounds for time.

10 KB Swing (53/35lb.)

10 Pull Up

10 Box Jump (24/20′)

Partner 2: Max Cals Bike

Partners switch after P1 is completely done with 1 round. Partners should reset the rower and try to keep track of their individual output on the bike each round. Each athlete will end up with 5 bike efforts, score how many calories you accumulated in total. Can you get more than your partner? The trick is to go faster through the swing, pull up and jump, it gives them less time to accumulate calories on the bike!


Partner 1:

10 rounds for time.

10 KB Swing (35/25lb.)

10 Pull Up (Banded or Jumping)

10 Box Jump (20/12′)

Partner 2: Max Cals Bike

Partners switch after P1 is completely done with 1 round. Partners should reset the rower and try to keep track of their individual output on the bike each round. Each athlete will end up with 5 bike efforts, score how many calories you accumulated in total. Can you get more than your partner? The trick is to go faster through the swing, pull up and jump, it gives them less time to accumulate calories on the bike!


Partner 1:

10 rounds for time.

7 KB Swing (35/25lb.)

7 Pull Up or Ring row (Banded or Jumping)

7 Step up (20/12′)

Partner 2: Max Cals Bike

Partners switch after P1 is completely done with 1 round. Partners should reset the rower and try to keep track of their individual output on the bike each round. Each athlete will end up with 5 bike efforts, score how many calories you accumulated in total. Can you get more than your partner? The trick is to go faster through the swing, pull up and jump, it gives them less time to accumulate calories on the bike!