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WOD – Fri, Sep 15


Go heavy and get nasty today. This is a pretty high volume session overall. The demand to is to get in 5 working sets of split jerks and to do so 1 set ever 2:00 will be challenging if the load is heavy enough. Then on the conditioning……go fast, take chances, hold on.

Metcon (Checkmark)

1:00 Couch stretch each leg (

1:00 Samson stretch each leg (


6 minute AMRAP

7/5 Cal Row

5 Hip down push up

5 Air Squat

5 V Up

5 Push Up


*Empty barbell for this part

3 Strict press

3 Split Jerk

3 Thruster

3 rounds


Prep with coach for Strength and build barbells so your first set is a working set.

Split Jerk (Split Jerk
Every 2:00 x 5 sets execute 3 split jerk as heavy as possible.


75 For time. (Time)

RX Conditioning:

“75 for time.”

2:00 on/ 1:00 off x 5 sets

15/12 Cal Row

12 Thruster (95/65lb.)

Max bar facing burpee’s

*Scale to allow for thrusters to be unbroken, you should have :40-:50 to work through bar facing burpee’s approx. each round.



“60 for time.”

2:00 on/ 1:00 off x 5 sets

10/7 Cal Row

12 Thruster (75/55lb.)

Max bar facing burpee’s

*Scale to allow for thrusters to be unbroken, you should have :40-:50 to work through bar facing burpee’s approx. each round.


“60 for time.”

2:00 on/ 1:00 off x 5 sets

10/7 Cal Row

9 Thruster (45/35lb.)

Max bar facing burpee’s

*Scale to allow for thrusters to be unbroken, you should have :40-:50 to work through bar facing burpee’s approx. each round.