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WOD – Thu, Sep 14

Intent (Checkmark)

Weights are back, but these aren’t necessarily heavy loads for this movement. The goal is to move with haste on the farmer carry, not just get it done! The work to rest intervals are present to entice proper speed and intensity overall, try to pick up where you leave off each round and score your total number of rounds and reps throughout the 3 working intervals.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


8 minute AMRAP

6 Spiderman

6 Scorion

6 Walking Lunge

:30 Wall Sit

12 Sit Up


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

RX Conditioning:

Each 25ft. Length is a rep for the carries and the runs.

4:00 AMRAP/ 2:00 rest x 3 sets

100ft. Farmer Carry (50/35lb. DB or KB)

50ft. Walking Lunge (body weight)

200 ft. Shuttle run (25 out and back x 4)


Each 25ft. Length is a rep for the carries and the runs.

4:00 AMRAP/ 2:00 rest x 3 sets

100ft. Farmer Carry (35/25lb. DB or KB)

50ft. Walking Lunge (body weight)

200 ft. Shuttle run (25 out and back x 4)


Each 25ft. Length is a rep for the carries and the runs.

4:00 AMRAP/ 2:00 rest x 3 sets

100ft. Farmer Carry (25/15lb. DB or KB)

25ft. Walking Lunge (body weight)

200 ft. Shuttle run (25 out and back x 4)