WOD - Fri, May 19Warm-up2minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body Activationankles. knees, hips shoulders2 set:10 Counter balance squats w10/14WB10 Cossack with 10/14BP10 Thoracic back bends with 10/14 WB10 Scorpions10…
WOD - Thu, May 18Warm-up8 sets Tabataof Rowing-Biking-Ski-ergOver All Dynamic Body Activationn a 5:00 clock20 Jumping Jacks10 good mornings5 tempo push ups6 Samson stretch lunges5 BP Conter balance squatsSPECIFIC WARMUP…
WOD - Wed, May 17Warm-upSTRENGTH SKILL DAY8 sets Tabata of Rowing-Biking-Ski-ergOver All Dynamic Body Activation1 set:10 leg swings/leg10 lateral leg swings/leg10 banded deadlifts10 banded squats10 banded pull-aparts1 set:10 arm swings…
WOD - Mon, May 15Warm-up2minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body Activationpost terroir chain hips shouldersOn a 7:00 Clock:Partner A: Rows to 100m. For every meter Partner A rows under…
WOD - Sun, May 14Warm-up2minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body Activationankles. knees, hips shoulders1 set:10 alternating Spiderman stretches10 inch worms10 air squats1 set:10 squat therapy reps (against the wall)10…
WOD - Sat, May 13Warm-up2minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body Activationankles. knees, hips shouldersCoaches Choice051323 WOD (Time)10 Rounds for time of:8 Hang squat clean 35/50 25/35 15/2020 Double Unders…
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