WOD - Mon, Apr 3Warm Up2-3 minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body ActivationAMRAP 5:8 alternating spiderman stretches8 air squats8 burpees over the barbell8 alternating BB front rack lunges8 alternating…
WOD - Thu, Mar 30Warm Up2-3 minutes Over All Dynamic Body ActivationCROSSFIT WALKING WARM-UP2 sets::20 walking wrist and elbow stretch:20 walking arm circles and swings:20 single-leg kick-up:20 walking toe touchPARTNER…
WOD - Sun, Mar 26Warm Up2-3 minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body Activation2 sets of::30 wall sit w/10-15lbs BB:10 rest:30 plank hold200n run or 300m row 7 cal bike:30…
WOD - Sat, Mar 25Warm Up2-3 minutes Rowing Running BikingOver All Dynamic Body ActivationAthletes stand ~5 meters apart.2 rounds with a partner:100-m run tossing med ball back and forth10 med-ball…
You may wonder, would I fit in at Letrono? Not only would you fit in, you would be warmly and genuinely welcomed by our strong and supportive community, our friendly and dedicated coaches; the people that are the literal heart of this, our Redemption.