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WOD – Fri, Oct 4


Today we have strength work that is present to help us feel primed and ready to handle the conditioning and make it feel “light”. The conditioning is a couplet that NEVER disappoints. The design is in chipper format where the athletes should choose a load that they know they can do for 20+ reps unbroken if asked when fresh.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 bike or row

1:00 couch stretch each leg

1:00 banded tricep stretch each arm


10 lateral lunge

10 hip down push up

10 air squat

5 inch worm

10 goblet squat

5 burpee


3 front squat

3 push press

3 thruster

3 sets building closer to the first set of strength work.

Thruster (Every 2:00 x 5 sets
Execute 3 thrusters
*build through each set and finish significantly higher than you will do the workout at.
Workout (Time)


45 thrusters (95/65lb.)

45 bar facing burpees

For time.


45 thrusters (65/45lb.)

45 bar facing burpees

For time.


45 thrusters (35/15lb.)

30 bar facing burpees

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 banded terminal knee extension each side


3×8-10 each leg rower hamstring curl

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