Welcome to the deadlift buffet. The goal today is to gain and challenge edge strength in varied ranges and positions! We should aim to build load not just each set but also as we sequentially build from the deficit, the traditional and to the elevated deadlift.
8x100m row
Rest 1 minute between efforts
*score is fastest time.
3 inch worm
6 Spider-Man
6 scorpion
2 rounds
Prep deads
4×5 Deficit deadlift
4×4 Deadlift
4×3 Elevated deadlift
Deficit: adjust for proper mechanics first. Deficit should be a minimum of 4 inches.
Elevated: adjust foot proper mechanics, max height from ground should be 6 inches.
*Record score as heaviest of each deadlift variation.
L hang (rig, rings, rope)
1-2 minutes of total accumulation
*This can be done any day of the week, no coach needed. It is designed for members who are feeling sore and beat up but would like to come into the gym and can have available space to move.
5:00 Easy Bike
100ft Bear crawl forward
100ft. Bear crawl backward
100ft. Lateral lunge
5:00 Easy Ski or Row
20 Scorpion stretch
:30 Kneeling lat/tricep stretch (Kneeling Thoracic Extension/Lat Stretch)
30 Kneeling banded twist each side Kneeling Band Oblique Twist
5:00 easy Row or Ski
:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (wall) (Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotation (Open / Wall))
:30 Half kneeling thoracic rotation (opposite side)
1:00 bottom squat hold
2 rounds for quality