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WOD – Mon, May 27


Celebrate a hero!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m run


5 kip swings

2-3 pull ups (version of workout)

5 push up

5 air squat

2-3 rounds so the group gets primed for Murph movements!

** take extra time to help navigate scaling choices!!

Murph (Time)


Run 1 mile

100 pull up

200 push up

300 air squat

Run 1 mile


Run 1 mile

50 pull up

100 push ups

150 air squat

Run 1 mile


800 m run

50 ring row

100 kneeling push up

150 air squat (to box or assisted)

800 m run

** consider a greater reduction in volume.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

:30 kneeling may stretch each side

1:00 pancake stretch

1:00 pigeon each side