Today we take time to touch up on muscle up skills to start! The goal is to progress as individuals whether we are able to link together many reps or if we are just discovering the muscle up for the first time. Meet yourself where you currently are and try to seek progress with some of the listed drills. The class isn’t limited to what appears, these are very basic drills that can add awareness and capacity for muscle ups. But coaches that work with you regularly may have specific advice that helps you more directly.
3:00 Row or Bike
10 Walking lunge
20 Shoulder tap
10 Lateral lunge
:20 Dead hang (supinated grip)
3 rounds for quality
20 minutes of ring and bar muscle up practice
- Ring support
- Ring dip
- False grip practice
- Low ring muscle up transition work
- Ring row muscle up
- Ring swings
- Jumping ring muscle up
- Banded ring muscle up
- Jumping bar muscle up
- Banded bar muscle up
- Etc…
2:00 AMRAP
20/15 Cal Row or Bike
Max reps Ring or Bar muscle up
2:00 REST
X 5 rounds
**Each rounds athletes should rotate both bike and row and both ring and bar muscle ups even if scaling or RX’ing the workout. The goal is to refine and practice both and progress both.
2:00 AMRAP
20/15 Cal Row or Bike
Max reps 3 Ring row + 3 Ring dip or banded bar muscle up
2:00 REST
X 5 rounds
2:00 AMRAP
20/15 Cal Row or Bike
Max reps 3 Ring row +3 push up or 3 inverted pull up + 3 push up
2:00 REST
X 5 rounds
Landmine Russian twists
Score is total reps of ring muscle ups.