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WOD – Fri, Apr 5


Today’s strength work is a chance to smash a new PR OR to simply use as a primer for the test that lays ahead. Today we get after a unique combo of movements that we’ve seen presented in the CrossFit Open in this similar format. You must have capacity and skills to advance to the heavy weights. You should scale the workout so that you know you will make it through at least first 3 waves with confidence, if the last barbell presents a challenge that will teeter on failure then you picked appropriately!

Warm up (Checkmark)

50 Jumping Jack

50 Seal Jack


10 PVC pass through (standing)

10 PVC pass through (bottom squat)

10 PVC pass through (lying on chest)


:20 dead hang supinated grip

:20 Handstand hold

2 rounds


PVC Sequence (Coach lead)

5 Snatch deadlift to mid thigh

5 Deadlift + Shrug

5 Muscle Snatch

5 Overhead Squat

5 Hang Squat Snatch (mid thigh)

5 Squat Snatch


Barbell prep with coach

Squat Snatch (In 10:00 build to a heavy squat snatch for the day!
Cream of the Crop (Time)


20 toes to bar

40 double unders

15 squat snatch (135/95lb.)


12 squat snatch (165/115)

9 squat snatch (185/125)

6 squat snatch (205/135)

3 squat snatch (225/155)

For time.

20:00 time cap.


20 hanging leg raise (knee’s to chest)

40 lateral bar jump over OR 60 single unders

15 squat snatch (95/65lb.)


12 squat snatch (115/85lb.)

9 squat snatch (135/95lb.)

6 squat snatch (155/105lb.)

3 squat snatch (165/115lb.)

For time.

20:00 time cap.


15 Lying leg raise

30 single unders

15 squat snatch PVC

5 rounds

For time.

20:00 time cap.

Be specific with how you scale this workout, it is a great measure of overall fitness that can be tested down the road through your development.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×15 Reverse DB fly raise