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WOD – Mon, Jan 6


Here we go! We are on a steady road to building the fittest version of you in 2025. Why not make this the year you are the fittest you’ve ever been? Setting a goal like that can allow for great consistency, good choices in how you scale the workouts we provide and help you make better nutrition choices through the year! While we are almost a week into 2025, this is a great time and day to establish the mindset of what you really want from this aspect of your life.

In training we will refine the clean and jerk as an olympic lift and have the goal to make all the listed sets as “hard” or working sets and then we attack a fun “chipper” for time. The time cap provided isn’t a means to make the workout as hard as you can to barely make it or be in the middle of the workout when the time concludes. The goal time window today for most should fall between 11-13 minutes. The clean and jerk weight should be something you CAN do for touch and go reps, but that doesn’t mean you should in today’s workout.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

50 jumping jack

50 seal jack


:10 Dead hang (rig)/ 10 kipping swing/ 5-10 kipping pull up

10 walking lunge

10 curtsy squat

10 plate ground to overhead (light)

10 light DB strict press

5 light DB split jerk

3 rounds


Barbell prep with Coach (7:00)

Skill/Strength (Weight)

Clean and jerk

Every 2 minutes x 4 sets

Execute 3 full squat clean and split jerks

Load up and go heavy. The goal is to treat these reps as singles and be able to do a rep every 10-15 seconds giving you more than a full minute of rest and loading the bar.


Toes to bar, pull up, bar muscle up practice/ scaling (7:00)

Workout (Time)


10 Clean and jerk

45 Chest to bar pull up

10 Clean and jerk

30 Toes to bar

10 Clean and jerk

15 Bar muscle up

For time.


16:00 time cap.


10 Clean and jerk

45 Chest to bar pull up (banded or regular pull up)

10 Clean and jerk

30 Toes to bar (hanging leg raise or knees to chest)

10 Clean and jerk

15 Bar muscle up (reduced reps or jumping bar muscle up)

For time.



10 Clean and jerk

30 Leg supported chest to bar inverted row

10 Clean and jerk

30 Hanging leg raise or Supine leg raise

10 Clean and jerk

15 Push Up

15 seated banded pull down (

For time.


Cool Down (Weight)

2×12 each arm, standing DB cuban press