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WOD – Sat, Jan 25


Teams of 2, this workout can be attacked in ANY ORDER and in any rep scheme you prefer. Perhaps the creativity you and your teammate can use will result in a faster time due to strategy alone.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 bike or Row/ :30 rest with partner

X 5 (5:00)


10 medball ground to overhead

10 walking lunge

10 scap pull up

2 rounds


5 kipping swing

5 toes to bar/ knees to elbow or knee raises

5 no push up burpee

5 wallball shots

3 rounds

Conditioning (Time)


In teams of 2, anyway you choose

80 burpee box jump overs (24/20)

120 toes to bar

160 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)


In teams of 2, anyway you choose

80 burpee box jump overs (20/14)

120 Hanging leg raise

160 Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)


In teams of 2, anyway you choose

60 burpee box jump overs (12/8’)

80 Lying leg raise

120 Wallball (8/6lb.) (custom target height)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×5 each leg medball ground to overhead