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WOD – Wed, Oct 2


Today our goal is to lift heavy! Start around 70% of your 1 rm hang clean and try to build throughout to the heaviest triple possible. Today’s conditioning is a chipper style design with much variability in movement function. The double under scale you use shouldn’t take more than 1 minute, the 20 hang cleans shouldn’t take more than 3 sets and the shoulder to overhead should be goaled to be done in 1 unbroken set on round 1!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 jump rope (any variation)


:20 calf stretch each leg

:20 bottom squat stretch

:20 dead hang

2 rounds


5 kip swing

5 medball squat

5 medball squat clean

1 wall walk

2 rounds

Hang Squat Clean (3-3-3-3
Every 2:00 x 4 sets execute 1 set of 3 hang squat cleans building to the heaviest 3 possible!
6 Minute EMON
Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


12 minute AMRAP

60 double unders

40 wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

30 pull up

20 hang clean (135/95)

10 shoulder to overhead (135/95)


12 minute AMRAP

30 double unders

40 wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

30 pull up (banded)

20 hang clean (95/65lb.)

10 shoulder to overhead (95/65lb.)


12 minute AMRAP

60 single unders

40 wallball (10/6lb.) (8ft.)

30 pull up (banded)

20 DB hang clean (15/10lb.)

10 DB shoulder to overhead (15/10lb.)

Cool Down (Weight)

3×12 single arm upright row

Slower down than faster up tempo.

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