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WOD – Fri, Apr 26


Get warm and get prepped for heavy/high volume squatting. Today we refine the front squat in both capacity and load. We will do a fun rise and fall of load and volume within each set, it appears as a wave type sequence. On each set load the bar with what you think is a unique challenge for that specific range!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike building intensity each minute slightly.


3:00 Jump practice/skill work


3 inch worm

6 Walking lunge

:20 Supinated dead hang

8 Strict press each arm (DB or KB light)

3 rounds


3×5 Goblet Squat (KB)

4 count down + 4 count up tempo.

Strength (6 Rounds for reps)

Front Squat (waves)


Each set is for max load for the prescribed weight.

Every 3-4 minutes execute 1 set of front squats.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30 Double Unders

10 Alternating Single Arm Overhead step back lunge (50/35lb.)

10:00 AMRAP

*Keep DB or KB overhead for 10 complete reps, alternating legs each rep. Each round then switches which hand you stabilize the load with.


30 Double Unders (reduce double unders if you can do the movement RX’d)

10 Alternating Single Arm Overhead step back lunge (35/20lb.)

10:00 AMRAP

*Keep DB or KB overhead for 10 complete reps, alternating legs each rep. Each round then switches which hand you stabilize the load with.


30 Single Unders

10 Alternating Single Arm Overhead step back lunge (15/10lb.)

10:00 AMRAP

*Keep DB or KB overhead for 10 complete reps, alternating legs each rep. Each round then switches which hand you stabilize the load with.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 1:00 GHD Sit up max reps

Rest as needed between sets for you to feel like you are giving this a good effort.