Lower body and midline development taking place today. The trick isn’t just getting the work done but getting it done faster than the other teams! How will you rotate? How long can your partner hold on to the KB’s? How many reps can you do you before your step ups slow down? All important things to consider on your way to 600.
3:00 bike or Row
10x hinge + Squat
10 Walking lunge + overhead reach
10 Hollow Rock
10 Superman
3 rounds
10 light single arm deadlift (each side)
10 step up
2 rounds
600 Step ups for time. (20’)
*one partner working at a time on step ups, in order for them to count the other partner must be holding a 53/35lb. KB in the farmer carry position.
500 Step ups for time. (20’)
*one partner working at a time on step ups, in order for them to count the other partner must be holding a 35/20. KB in the farmer carry position.
300 Step ups for time. (20’)
*one partner working at a time on step ups, in order for them to count the other partner must be holding a 20/15lb.. KB in the farmer carry position.
Banded good morning
Banded push up
3x max reps (-1) *not quite to failure.