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WOD – Wed, Feb 28


Go heavy, sprint, then test skills. Similar to yesterday’s the high level skill comes at the end of hard work. Today we lift heavy, try to make all your sets on the heavy side for these sumo deadlifts. When we get to the workout do them in a traditional stance, not wide. For the RMU practice, select and focus on where you struggle, remember it’s not just going through movements mindlessly that leads to improvement, we must be present. Scale the metcon rounds so that you give yourself a chance to finish the RMU or your scaled version in under the 4:00 cap. The goal is for the rounds to take closer to 3:00 but I wanted to give a window for you to try to attempt muscle ups.

Warm up (Checkmark)

:20 Row

:20 Rest

X 8 rounds

*Build intensity as we get deeper into rounds.


10 Light KB Swing

10 Scap push up

10 Scap pull up

10 Air Squat

3 rounds


Sumo Deadlift (Deadlift + Ring Muscle Up
Every 3:00 x 5 sets execute 2 Sumo Deadlifts (lower each rep with control today and restart from the floor without doing touch and go.)
*during rest time find a version of a ring muscle up practice.
Skills: Whatever)
Race to the rings (3 Rounds for reps)

“Race to the Rings”


3 sets each for time:

21/16 Cal Row

15 Deadlifts (255/175lb.)

9 Ring Muscle Up

For time.

Rest 3:00

(4:00 Cap on each working interval)

*Select a load on deadlifts that allows for 2 sets to get to prescribed reps.


3 sets each for time:

21/16 Cal Row

15 Deadlifts (185/125lb.)

9 Low/ kneeling Ring Muscle Up

For time.

Rest 3:00

(4:00 Cap on each working interval)

*Select a load on deadlifts that allows for 2 sets to get to prescribed reps.


3 sets each for time:

21/16 Cal Row

15 Deadlifts (95/65lb.)

9 Ring Row + 9 Push Up

For time.

Rest 3:00

(4:00 Cap on each working interval)

*Select a load on deadlifts that allows for 2 sets to get to prescribed reps.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 Terminal knee extension (each side)


3x 50ft. Backward bear crawl

Rest as needed.