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WOD – Wed, Mar 8


2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

2 sets:
10 alternating spiderman stretches
10 alternating soldier kicks
10 alternating plank reach-throughs
10 alternating v-ups

1 set:
10 single-leg DB deadlift/leg
10 single-arm DB high pulls/arm
10 single-arm DB shoulder presses/arm
10 DB good mornings
30 DB Russian twists


7-10 DB lower to above the knee + stand
7-10 DB deadlift + shrug
7-10 DB hang sumo deadlift high pulls
7-10 DB power snatch


3 sets:
3 DB power snatch (left arm)
3 sit-ups
3 DB power snatch (right arm)
3 sit-ups
– Rest 1:00 between sets

030823 WOD (Time)


For time:
25 DB power snatches left-arm (35/50 lb)
25 DB power snatches right-arm
50 sit-ups
20 DB power snatches left-arm
20 DB power snatches right-arm
40 sit-ups
15 DB power snatches left-arm
15 DB power snatches right-arm
30 sit-ups
10 DB power snatches left-arm
10 DB power snatches right-arm
20 sit-ups
5 DB power snatches left-arm
5 DB power snatches right-arm
10 sit-ups


For time:
25 DB power snatches left-arm (20/35 lb)
25 DB power snatches right-arm
50 sit-ups
20 DB power snatches left-arm
20 DB power snatches right-arm
40 sit-ups
15 DB power snatches left-arm
15 DB power snatches right-arm
30 sit-ups
10 DB power snatches left-arm
10 DB power snatches right-arm
20 sit-ups
5 DB power snatches left-arm
5 DB power snatches right-arm
10 sit-ups


For time:
10 DB power snatches left-arm (10/15 lb)
10 DB power snatches right-arm
25 sit-ups
10 DB power snatches left-arm
10 DB power snatches right-arm
20 sit-ups
10 DB power snatches left-arm
10 DB power snatches right-arm
15 sit-ups
10 DB power snatches left-arm
10 DB power snatches right-arm
10 sit-ups
10 DB power snatches left-arm
10 DB power snatches right-arm
5 sit-ups

<h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>Finish between 16:00-22:00.</li><li>Maintain large chunks of reps on the DB snatches.</li><li>Keep moving on the sit-ups.</li></ul>

Cool Down

1 set:
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side
1:00 pigeon pose/side