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WOD – Mon, Nov 28


2-3 minutes Rowing Running Biking
Over All Dynamic Body Activation

7 up downs
14 ground to overhead (10-15 lb plate)
21 air squats

DB Snatch Cycling
4 DB Hang Snatches (each arm)
8 alternating DB Hang Snatches
8 alternating DB Hang Snatche
8 alternating DB Snatches

2 sets:
5 thrusters + 5 snatches

Ellen (Time)
3 rounds for time of:

20 burpees
21 dumbbell snatches
12 dumbbell thrusters

Use a single dumbbell on the snatches and a pair for the thrusters.

♀ 35-lb. DBs ♂ 50-lb. DBs

Intermediate: Same as RX

Beginner: 2 Rounds
50 Thrusters (35/45)
50 KB Swings (26/35)

Skill Work

3 sets:
4 KB Turkish get-ups/arm
8 KB windmills/arm