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WOD – Wed, Oct 5

<p>3 minutes Rowing Running Biking<br />Over All Dynamic Body Activation</p><p><b>AMRAP 5: or 3 sets of:</b><br />:30 bike, row, skierg, or air runner<br />10 alternating plank reach throughs<br />10 kipping swings<br />10 alternating lunges</p>

<p><b>Smooth quality of movement</b></p><p><b>Every 2:00 for 2&nbsp;sets: </b><br />5 pull-ups<br />7 push-ups<br />9 sit-ups<br />11 air squats</p>
Barbara (Time)
Five Rounds for time:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
*3-minute rest after each round*

<article><h3>INTERMEDIATE<br /><strong>5 rounds, each for time, of:</strong><br />10 pull-ups<br />20 push-ups<br />30 sit-ups<br />40 squats<br />– Rest precisely three minutes between rounds.<br /> </h3><p>BEGINNER<br /><strong>5 rounds, each for time, of:</strong><br />10 jumping pull-ups<br />10 push-ups<br />20 sit-ups<br />20 squats<br />– Rest precisely three minutes between rounds.<br /><br /> </p><h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>Classic CrossFit benchmark focused on gymnastic condition and stamina.</li><li>3:00-4:00 per round for most athletes.</li><li>As complexity decreases, volume increases to maintain a higher metabolic stimulus.</li><li>Built-in rest allows for fast paces that would otherwise not be sustainable.</li></ul></article>

Cool Down
<p><b>3 sets:</b><br />:30 standing pike stretch<br />:30 scorpion stretch/side<br />:30 Samson stretch/side</p>