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WOD – Sun, Oct 2

<p>3 minutes Rowing Running Biking<br />Over All Dynamic Body Activation<br /> </p><p>PVC STICK GAMES 5:00<br /><b>Suggested penalties:</b><br />20 high knees<br />5 burpees<br />:30 pike push-up hold</p><p> </p><h4>HANDSTAND SKILL PRACTICE 12:00<br />200-m jog, row, bike, or ski<br />:30 Shoulder taps<br />:30 shoulder taps in pike<br />5 partial wall walks<br />3-5 wall walks<br />:30 partial kick-ups<br />3-5 sets x :30 handstand holds or pike holds</h4><p> </p>

<p><b>2 sets:</b><br />100-m run<br />5-10 HSPU or scaling option for workout</p>
WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
<article><h3>RX<br /><strong>AMRAP 25:</strong><br />20 handstand push-ups<br />800-m run</h3></article><article><h3>INTERMEDIATE<br /><strong>AMRAP 25:</strong><br />12 handstand push-ups<br />800-m run</h3></article><article><h3>BEGINNER<br /><strong>AMRAP 25:</strong><br />15 piked push-ups<br />600-m run<br />– Rest 1:00 between rounds.<br /><br /> </h3><h3>INTENDED STIMULUS</h3><ul><li>4-6 rounds.</li><li>Handstand push-up defaults to kipping.</li><li>Complete handstand push-ups in 4 sets or less.</li><li>Run hard and keep the runs under 5:00 every round.</li><li>Athletes who can perform 20+ handstand push-ups in a row should consider alternating rounds of kipping and strict.</li></ul></article>

Cool Down
<p>Coaches Choice<br />Rest, stretch, and recover</p>