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WOD – Tue, Sep 27

<p>2 Min Bike/Row/Run&nbsp;</p><p>Overall Body Stretch</p><p><b>6 rounds:</b><br />:30 single-unders<br />:30 rest</p><p><b>1 set:</b><br />:20 row (easy pace)<br />– Rest :10<br />:20 alternating Cossack squats<br />– Rest :10<br /><br /><b>1 set:</b><br />:20 row (moderate pace)<br />– Rest :10<br />:20 alternating Samson stretch<br />– Rest :10<br /><br /><b>1 set:</b><br />:20 row (fast pace)<br />– Rest :10<br />:20 good mornings<br />– Rest :10<br /><br /><b>1 set:</b><br />1:00 row (workout pace)</p>
Metcon (Distance)
<article><h3>RX</h3><p><strong>AMRAP 30:</strong><br /><strong>With a partner:</strong><br />Max distance row<br />– One partner works at a time switching as needed.</p></article><article><h3>INTERMEDIATE</h3><p>Same as Rx’d</p></article><article><h3>BEGINNER</h3><p><strong>AMRAP 20:</strong><br /><strong>With a partner:</strong><br />Max distance row<br />– One partner works at a time switching as needed.</p></article><article><h3> </h3></article>

Cool Down
<p><b>Accumulate:</b><br />2:00 seated straddle stretch<br />– Hold :40 on the left leg, right leg, and in the center.</p>