General (8:00)
100m Row x 3 each partner
50ft. Farmer carry x 2 each partner
1:00 dead Hang accumulate between each pair
Specific (10:00)
5 Double Db Deadlift each partner
5 Double DB muscle clean each
5 Double DB Power clean (light)
5 Dbl. DB Power clean (workout weight)
5-10 V Up
5 Hanging leg raise
5 Hanging strict knees to elbows or leg raise
RXConditioning (25:00)
For Time (with a Partner)
3,000 meter Row
100 Dumbbell Power Cleans (2 x 50/35 lb)
50 Strict Knees-to-Elbow
For Time (with a Partner)
2,500 meter Row
100 Dumbbell Power Cleans (2 x 35/20 lb)
50 Strict Knees-to-chest
For Time (with a Partner)
2,000 meter Row
60 Dumbbell Power Cleans (2 x 15/10 lb)
40 Lying leg raises (hands on rig or V Up)
3×24 Alternating DB bicep curl
*Partner must hold wall sit while other partner executes curls!
Rest as needed.
3×10 each arm over head DB tricep extension
*Partner must hold forward plank while other partner executes extensions!
Rest as needed.
Team chipper! Today we tax the grip in all 3 moves. Partners may be rotate in and out of each movement however they decide is fastest as the workout unfolds. Loading should be scaled on the DB’s so each partner knows they can cycle touch and go reps of 5-10 unbroken with short rest. On the knees to elbows, the intention is to force a “strict” contraction, which means no real kipping. This puts more of a challenge on the abs and hipflexors.