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WOD – Tue, Feb 25


Today we cycle the barbell under fatigue. Our goal is to be using a relatively “heavy” load for ourselves that presents a challenge to keep the sets big and perhaps unbroken. If you can hold onto the bar you should, if you cannot you should focus on breaking up the reps as little as possible that help you finish each round as fast as possible. Your score today is your SLOWEST round of the 6!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

General (6:00)

3:00 Row or Bike

1:00 couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg

Specific (10:00)

5 Deadlift

5 Muscle Clean

5 Hang Power Clean

3 Deadlift + 3 Hang power clean (light weight on bar)

3 sets of 3/3 building bar each time to first set of primer strength below

Strength Primer (Weight)

Barbell Complex:

Every 2:00 x 4 sets

Execute 4 Deadlifts + 2 Hang power cleans

*Goal is to build well past the load you select for today’s conditioning. Score is your heaviest load.

Conditioning (Time)

RXConditioning (18:00)

Every 3:00 x 6 sets

20/16 Cal Row or Bike

8 Deadlift

4 Hang power clean


*Score is your slowest time today through these intervals. Scale in order to give yourself approximately 1:00 recovery at minimum*


Every 3:00 x 6 sets

16/12 Cal Row or Bike

8 Deadlift

4 Hang power clean


*Score is your slowest time today through these intervals. Scale in order to give yourself approximately 1:00 recovery at minimum*


Every 3:00 x 6 sets

10/7 Cal Row or Bike

8 Deadlift

4 Hang power clean


*Score is your slowest time today through these intervals. Scale in order to give yourself approximately 1:00 recovery at minimum*

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Lateral bridge rotation (Lateral Pillar Bridge with Rotation) *DB can be used in free hand

3×10 each side

Front bridge leg lift (

3×10 each leg

*Superset the 2 and rest as needed.

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