WOD – Sun, Feb 23
Warm Up
500 M Row
2 Rounds
10 Banded Pass Thru
5 Inch Worms to Cobra
10 WGS (5 ea side)
5 Goblet Squats
10 Banded Side Steps (5 ea side)
5 Up Downs
10 Arm Throws
Full Throttle EMOM – 20 Mins (Checkmark)
Minute 1 – 10 Power Cleans
Minute 2 – 12 Slam Balls
Minute 3 – 15 KB Swings (Russian)
Minute 4 – 12/9 Cal Row
Minute 5 – Rest
Pace yourself and choose weights wisely leaving yourself at least 10 seconds of rest before the next minute of work.
Choose consistency over speed: Focus on maintaining consistent reps and form each minute.
Have fun, stay positive and focused on the task at hand.