General (5:00)
3:00 Jump rope practice (cue up and practice single leg work for the workout)
10 Walking lunge
5 Inchworm
10 Spiderman
:20 Dead hang
Specific (10:00)
5 Kip swing
2-3 sets of 2-1-2 drills (2 kip swings, 1 pull up, 2 kip swings)
3×3-5 chest to bar variants (find scale for workout/ practice)
5 slow air squat (refinement)
3 air squat with pause in bottom (position)
5 air squat (workout tempo)
5 Push up (refinement and position)
2×3-5 to find proper scale
1 round
20/20 single leg single under
10 Air Squat
7 Push up
3 Chest to bar pull up
RXConditioning (20:00)
“AMRAP 20”
20 Unbroken Single leg single unders (right)
20 Unbroken Single leg single unders (left)
15 Air Squat
10 Push Up
5 Chest to bar pull up
“AMRAP 20”
10 Unbroken Single leg single unders (right)
10 Unbroken Single leg singe unders (left)
15 Air Squat
10 Push Up (kneeling or quads touch at bottom)
5 Chest to bar pull up (banded or chin over bar pull up)
“AMRAP 20”
5 Single leg single unders (right) *or plate hops
5 Single leg singe unders (left)
10 Air Squat
7 Push Up (kneeling or wall)
3 Chest to bar pull up
2:00 pigeon stretch each leg
:30 pec stretch each arm
:30 banded or rig holding lat stretch each arm
Today we get after a highly cyclical workout that has “Cindy” vibes. We add a bit of a twist to the challenge when we bring in the single leg single unders. The trick is that you must be able to execute your reps unbroken on the single leg single unders–who doesn’t like a little pressure? Scale the rep scheme accordingly. You should be able to look at a round and think you can get the work accomplished after the jump rope in under a minute.