:30 Jumping jack
:30 Row
:30 Step back lunge
:30 No push up burpee
4 rounds
*At lighter load than workout weight
5 Single arm DB Deadlift (between legs, each arm)
5 S.A. DB Deadlift + high pull (each)
5 Muscle snatch (each)
3 Power snatch each arm
5 hip down push up
5 push up
5 inch worm
4 Burpee (lunge up) + jump over
4 Burpee jump up + jump over
6 Alternating DB Snatch
4 Lateral DB Burpee
2 rounds
Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)
Lateral DB Burpee
For time
Flow: 10 Snatch, 10 Burpee, 9,9,8,8,7,7….1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4…etc… back through 10’s.
15:00 Time cap
Alternating DB Snatch (35/20b.)
Lateral DB Burpee
For time
Alternating DB Snatch (15/10lb.)
Lateral DB Burpee + step over
For time
Weighted plank (plate across back, vest, band across back)
3x 1:00
Rest as needed.
Today we throw down! This is a very CrossFit Open style workout. Simple movements, hardly any limitations by means of loading and skill. The best word to motivate you today is “go”. Start steady and smooth and give yourself a chance to climb back up the ladder after getting down to 1’s. A key focus will be to be smooth and steady on the burpees, especially if the DB load isn’t a big limiter for you. Consider staying low with your arms as you jump over the DB to get to the ground as quickly as possible for the next rep. If you have to rest somewhere try for it to be on the floor in the “down” portion of the burpee.