30 seal jacks
10 PVC pass through
10 box step up
5 box jump + step down
5 box jump (cycle faster)
10 standing quad stretch (heel to bum)
3 wide air squat
3 normal air squat
3 narrow air squat
3 slow box step down (pistol style, each)
4 pistol to box
10 pistols (scale to band supported, holding rig, box, step down, shrimp lunge)
3 clean pull
3 muscle clean
3 push press
3 push jerk
3 power clean and power jerk
Strength primer: (6:00)
Build to a moderate set of 3
Power clean and jerks (cycle as singles)
For Time
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
15 Clean-and-Jerks (95/65 lb)
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
15 Clean-and-Jerks (135/85 lb)
30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
10 Clean-and-Jerks (185/115 lb)
30 Single-Leg Squats
10 Clean-and-Jerks (225/145 lb)
30 Single-Leg Squats
5 Clean-and-Jerks (275/175 lb)
30 Single-Leg Squats
5 Clean-and-Jerks (315/205 lb)
Time cap: 20 minutes
Female options: 20-in. box, 14-lb. medicine-ball step-up, C&J 35-55-75-95-115-135 lb.
Male options: 24-in. box, 20-lb. medicine-ball step-up, C&J 65-95-115-135-155-185 lb
Female options: low box or plate jumps,
low box step up, clean and jerk with DB’s: 5-15lb. DB’s and keep reps at 10 each round.
Male options: low box or plate jumps, low box step up, clean and jerk with DB’s:
15-30lb. DB’s and keep reps at 10 each round.
3-5 minute easy bike
Foam roll quads and glutes and calves
Today is an Open repeat workout from 2020. Mr. Dave Castro said there will be a repeat workout coming for us during the 3 weeks of the Open. We also pay attention to main site and other CF resources and there have been several practices on coaching and progressions surrounding pistols. With that considered, we will also take our focus on being prepared and making sure you are as best as we can. Scaling will be a necessity for most on weights or skills today. Spend adequate time practicing in the warm up and improve your ability to do a pistol and judge what loads may be appropriate for the WOD.