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WOD – Tue, Feb 11


Today isn’t too unlike yesterday in that it is categorized as a chipper, but this one is out and back again. The goal is to manage the grip/hanging fatigue that will accumulate in the bar muscle up, and chest to bar pull up. There is running and lunging present that will allow for high heart rate and the focus there is to keep moving, but not too fast. No reason to rush to the rig to just stand still! Find the pre WOD time as valuable as possible for improving your hanging skills in the BMU and C2B pull up, then with your coach, decide best scaling measures to hit the stimulus!

Warm Up (Checkmark)


2 shuttle run

5 banded pass through

3 inchworm

6 high knee shin up

3 rounds


10 hollow rock

10 Superman

5 Kip swings

3-5 strict pull up or ring row

3-5 Kipping or banded pull up

3-5 chest to bar or banded

2-3 jumping bar muscle up

Bar muscle up practice (free, banded, jumping )

50ft. Walking lunge


1 shuttle run

2 bar muscle up

6 walking lunge steps

5 chest to bar pull up

6 walking lunge step


1 shuttle run

Conditioning (Time)


10 shuttle run

15 bar muscle up

100ft walking lunge

45 chest to bar pull up

100ft walking lunge

15 bar muscle up

10 shuttle run

For time

Goal sub 12:00 / cap 15:00


10 shuttle run

15 bar muscle up (banded or jumping)

100ft walking lunge

45 chest to bar pull up (banded)

100ft walking lunge

15 bar muscle up (banded or jumping)

10 shuttle run

For time

**consider scaling volume of gymnastics if there is opportunity to keep movement RX’d.


5 shuttle run

15 inverted row

15 bar dip (leg supported)

30ft walking lunge

25 leg supported chest to bar pull up

30ft. walking lunge

15 inverted row

15 bar dip (leg supported)

5 shuttle run

For time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

100 V up for quality but in as big of sets as possible (scale volume down if can’t do 20+ in a row without rest)