30 Jumping jack
15/10 Cal Bike or Row
30 Seal jack
10 Scorpion
50ft. Bunny hop
2 rounds
10/7 Cal Bike or Row
10 Deadlift (75/55lb.)
5 Muscle Clean (75/55lb.)
3 High box jump
3 rounds at controlled pace with intentional power and speed in movements present.
RXConditioning/ Intermediate/ Baseline:
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
Set 1: 5 Deadlifts (75% 1rm or RPE)
Set 2: 4 Deadlifts (80% 1rm or RPE)
Set 3: 3 Deadlifts (85-90%1rm or RPE)
Set 4: 2 Deadlifts (95-100%1rm or RPE)
Set 5: 1 Deadlift (102-100%1rm or RPE) *goal to PR!*
1:00 max reps at 70% of your heaviest deadlift today
3:00 Rest
1:00 max reps at 50% of your heaviest deadlift today
1:00 sit and reach hamstring stretch
1:00 pancake stretch (seated, wide legs)
1:00 Seated cross leg stretch each leg (glutes and back)
1:00 Bike easy pace
20 Banded row (band attached to rig)
20 Plank shoulder taps (10 each)
1:00 Row easy pace
10 Alternating step back lunge + overhead reach
10-15 Rower hamstring curls
10 Lateral plank rotations (each side)
1:00 no push up burpee (easy pace)
10 Banded pass throughs
15-20 banded pull a part
20 Landmine standing rotations (10 each side)
3 rounds
Today the focus is on getting strong and going heavy but there are many aspects tied in. The warm up will be thorough as there are 2 separate parts. The Primer should help prime your central nervous system for optimal deadlifts. The goal isn’t to get you tired before we lift, so it’s not like a metcon. Move through it with intention and focus on fast and effective muscle contractions. Then we burn it down with some burn out sets!